Low-Tech Lace Blocking (A Video Tutorial)

Blocking is a magical process that converts a cast-off piece of knitting into a fully-fledged finished object. There are few knitted items that won’t benefit from a soak or a steam, but it’s especially transformative with lace knitting. After all the careful work you’ve done whipping up beautiful lace, it’s really worth it to take the extra bit of time to block it so your handiwork really shines! There are tools you can use — wires, pin combs — to help you on your way, but today, I’ve got a video showing you how to do it with minimal kit. A bit of thread and some pins is all it takes to take your lace from this:

7 Rib Lace Scarf all cast off.JPG

To this:

2 Blocked Square.jpg

Here’s what you’ll need:

A recently finished, unblocked project (I’m using my Rib Lace Scarf by Jeanette Sloan from MDK Field Guide No. 15: Open knitted in Fyberspates Vivacious DK.)
Rust-resistant pins
Towel and surface you can pin into (a carpeted area or bed are perfect)
Blunt yarn needle
Strong thread (I used a 4ply mercerised cotton)

Give your project a soak, and I’ll help you take it from there: Blocking Lace with Thread and Pins (YouTube link)

If you’re revved up to try some lace knitting, we’ve got got copies of MDK Field Guide No. 15: Open in the online shop. It includes a panoply of pretty designs by the inimitable Jeanette Sloan. And we’ve also got a slew of other MDK Field Guides in the online shop (a selection of which are on sale at time of writing) — so if you’re in the mood for a little book to help you explore something new, go have a browse!