Shetland Trader Book Three: The Dresses

Have you ever fancied a knitted dress? If so, you’re in luck! Gudrun Johnston’s newest book, The Shetland Trader Book Three: Heritage, features not one, not two, but three stunning knitted frocks. Like all the patterns in this knockout book, the dresses marry 1970s aesthetic with modern sensibilities for beautiful and highly wearable pieces. And each dress features some different Shetland knitting techniques to try! I’m willing to bet that, even if you don’t think your wardrobe needs a dress, once you see these, you’ll change your mind. The designs are just. so. good. Shall we have a peek?

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Knitting inside out

Do you struggle to keep your tension even when you knit stranded colourwork in the round over small circumferences? Lots of people do!

I’ve mentioned the trick of working inside out a few times in our books and here on the blog, but I’ve never shown in detail what I mean by this, so in today’s “not totally gratuitous excuse for more photos of my nearly-finished cowl”, I’m going to take you through it.

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Five books I'd love to unwrap this year...

I believe that there are new things to be learnt all the time in knitting. It’s what keeps it interesting for me, and that buzz from learning something new is what I thrive on. If I’m lacking in mojo it’s generally a sign that I’m stuck in a rut and need to shake things up.

What could be better to inspire me to try something new, than a new book? Here are five book ideas that I’d be thrilled to unwrap this year, and maybe you would too?

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Goldilocks and the Three* Vests

Today I'm handing over the reins of the blog to Alix Pearson. Alix is one of the moderators in our Ravelry group, and is a fount of knowledge on both stranded knitting and adjusting patterns for fit. I have long admired her beautiful stranded vests, so today she is going to share some helpful tips on making your own. Over to you, Alix!

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Joy from the Everyday – The Knitsonik Stranded Colourwork System

There is a great temptation sometimes to doubt one's own ability and for many, me included, this is often around design and use of colour. But fear not! Help is at hand.

You may have been lucky enough to have taken one of Felicity (Felix) Ford's classes, and if you have, you will undoubtedly have been filled with her boundless enthusiasm for the potential of just about anything as a source of inspiration for design. We love spending time with Felix (above) because she sees the world differently from us and can communicate how she sees things so clearly that we cannot help but have our eyes opened to the possibilities.

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Book and DVD Review: Fair Isle Designs from Shetland Knitters and 50 Tips from Shetland Knitters

It's a Shetland fiesta here this morning at A-C Knitwear Towers! My love of Shetland and its incredible knitting heritage, along with the wonderful wildlife, has been mentioned a few times here over the years. Today's post covers the new book from the Shetland Guild of Spinners, Knitters, Weavers and Dyers, Fair Isle Designs from Shetland Knitters Volume 1, and the fantastic DVD, 50 Tips from Shetland Knitters, produced by Hazel Tindall and Elizabeth Johnston

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January: Shaila Mittens

January is the AYoT month for mastering the colour dominance in your Fair Isle projects. The video tutorial for the month has been released on Mason-Dixon Knitting (and will shortly be added to our Year of Techniques video tutorial page). The tutorial walks you through three different ways of holding your yarn for Fair Isle projects, all of which will ensure that you keep your yarn dominance consistent. This helps your projects to look neater, and makes sure that your yarns don't tangle as you work.

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