Clearing the decks

I tend not to be a monogamous knitter…

(That might be a bit of an understatement!)

I enjoy the variety of knitting on different things. A sock one day, a shawl another, and at the weekend I might even work on a garment. If I’m in the mood.

There are heaps of reasons why this flitting between projects generally works well for me. But there are also a few downsides…

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Finding Joy in Socks – and a video tip

I have to admit that my socks isn’t generally the first place I look when I need something to give me an injection of joy! But it has been my go to so far this month…

I’m not talking about my sock drawer, although as a knitter with a penchant for self-striping sock yarn, there is certainly joy to be found there! I am of course talking about my current knitting project: Dambisa Socks by Noma Ndlovu (Etsy link) (Biggerthanlife Knits on Instagram).

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