How to Work a Toe-Up Gusset Heel

Sock construction is endlessly fascinating to me. That you can choose from which end of the sock you start at (or even somewhere in the middle!), as well as selecting from myriad heel options means that there should be a well-fitting sock for everyone.

I generally knit socks from the cuff down, simply because that’s how I learned to knit socks, and I can make that sock, to fit me well, without having to look up a pattern. However, there are times when working from the toe-up is preferable:

  • With a new to me yarn, I can guesstimate the needles to use and then increase until the sock fits me

  • When the yarn is special and I want to use as much as possible

  • Just for a change!

This month’s Boost Your Knitting technique is a toe-up heel with a gusset. A gusset is a series of increases that gives more space at the upper foot, and the construction used in Wendy D. Johnson’s cute Alcedo Socks is nifty, since it avoids any need to pick up stitches.

Here’s the video tutorial to walk you through the process. If you’re reading this blog post on the email subscription, the video doesn’t automatically appear here, so you’ll need to click this link to head over to YouTube to watch it there.

I’m really enjoying working on my Alcedo socks. The stitch pattern is straightforward enough that I don’t have to look at the pattern, so I can knit and watch TV – a good combination at the moment!

I’ve tried the sock on already, and the fit is really good. This is another benefit to knitting toe-up – you get that reassurance that the size is good before the whole sock is finished. All in all, it’s a very satisfying process and I’m looking forward to getting the second sock on my needles later in the week. Have you got a sock on the go at the moment? And if so, which direction are you knitting it in?