Knitted-on edging beyond Talmadge

This month's Talmadge cloche has proven to be a pretty quick knit for many. Rather than twiddling your needles in anticipation of July's project, why not try one of these patterns, also featuring a knitted-on edge, to cement your learning?

Shawls are ideal pieces to feature knitted-on edgings as it gives you a seamless transition between two different stitch patterns. I'm sure one of these could tempt you:

Green Light Shawl ©Martina Behm

Green Light Shawl ©Martina Behm

The Green Light shawl is perfect traveling or holiday knitting - a simple garter stitch panel with a lace edging.

Edith Shawl ©Sarah Hatton

Edith Shawl ©Sarah Hatton

If you've got some Kidsilk Haze in your stash and have no idea what to do with it, then Sarah Hatton's Edith shawl could well be worth a look.

Flukra by Gudrun Johnston

Flukra by Gudrun Johnston

Half Hansel ©Gudrun Johnston

Half Hansel ©Gudrun Johnston

Gudrun Johnston has a range of shawl patterns featuring knitted-on edgings. The two featured have a central panel, a lace border, and then a knitted-on edge. If you want a real labour of love, you could have a go at the full Hansel. Since both patterns come together, you could always buy first and decide at your leisure.

Sonning Shawl

Sonning Shawl

If you are searching for a step up from simple edging, Jen's Sonning Shawl could be for you. Two identical panels are joined by a central lace panel. The last central stitch is worked together with the adjacent triangular panel stitch to make the join, hence you work a join at the end of every row, alternating between the triangles. It may sound a bit different, but it's the same principle.

Whatever you choose, do share your progress with us over on the Ravelry forums.

On the subject of shawls, The Book of Haps, co-edited by Jen and Kate Davies, has been nominated for best knitting book at the British Knitting and Crochet Awards.

Do click through and vote for your favourite in each category.