Arnall-Culliford Techniques

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Helical stripes beyond Hyacinthus

Three weeks onto A Year of Techniques and many, many Hyacinthus wrist warmers have been cast on. You will have seen a few examples in the yarn choice post from a couple of weeks ago and you can see the range of projects here.

Helical stripes aren't just for a single pattern though, so I've picked out a few from our KAL on Ravelry to highlight the range of applications.

Helical stripes will work for anything tubular, so a few knitters have added fingers to their wrist warmers to make gloves. Here's a good example by Danielle:


You could also use the technique for making a hat, as Allison has with her Helical Chevrons. The combination of the stripes and chevrons work really well together.


Helical stripes effectively bring interest to socks as you can see from Alison's pair.


If you like the idea of this type of socks, why no check out Jen's Spiralling Sock ebook, which has a couple of designs that combine helical stripes and slipped stitches to give a different look?

Finally, garments knit in the round can use helical stripes as this tee by Sara shows. I really like the gradient effect she achieved here.


Thank you to all four knitters who generously agreed for me to use their photos.

There is still plenty of time to get involved in the March KAL whether you want to make wrist warmers, something else, or just to cast on and try out the technique. We are itching to tell you all about April's pattern and technique, but we'll just have to sit on our hands for another couple of weeks until the 4th comes around.

See this content in the original post

£19.99 plus shipping

A Year of Techniques brings you 12 patterns and tutorials to upgrade your knitting skills. With projects from world-class designers accompanied by clear step-wise tutorials and online videos, there's always something new to learn. The print + ebook product must be purchased as a separate transaction, as the book will be shipped separately in September 2017.

In the meantime, this product also includes the following complimentary items which will be delivered digitally:
Welcome to A Year of Techniques and March pattern and tutorial (immediately)
April pattern and tutorial (4th April 2017)
May pattern and tutorial (3rd May 2017)
June pattern and tutorial (1st June 2017)
July pattern and tutorial (6th July 2017)
August pattern and tutorial (1st August 2017)
Complete A Year of Techniques ebook with remaining 6 monthly projects and tutorials (6th September 2017).