On the needles

As I mentioned last week, much of what I'm knitting at the moment needs to stay under wraps for a while longer, which doesn't make for exciting chat here on the blog. But I do have a few projects that have advanced somewhat since my last round up of projects. If you click on any of the images in this post, it will take you to my Ravelry pages, where you will find needle and yarn information and all the cool technical details you may require!

My handbag project for the last few months has been Puerto Montt by Martina Behm, and I'm almost finished!

My handbag project for the last few months has been Puerto Montt by Martina Behm, and I'm almost finished!

The most progress award goes to my Puerto Montt by Martina Behm. This was the third of last year's Strickmich club projects, and the colours were right up my street! As ever with Martina's designs, it's a triumph of simplicity leading to a beautiful shape. I only have a few rows to go before it will be complete, and I think I'm going to miss working on it quite a lot. The pattern is perfect for working on in front of the TV, or out at knitting group, which is how most of my knitting occurs at the moment - short bursts between other activities. Since starting to draft this blog post, it's actually been cast off and is now blocking, so keep your eyes peeled for finished photos before too long.

Dismembered penguin awaits sewing up!

Dismembered penguin awaits sewing up!

My poor Pinglewin has been languishing in a dismembered state for days... I wondered whether his wings were too long, and before I knew it, my wondering had stalled me! I've had a long hard think, and I'm sure they are fine, so I just need to sew them on and cast on for his hoody. This is one of my issues with projects with little pieces - if I don't immediately cast on the next section, it's all too easy to become side tracked and wander off to look at some new shiny thing! Come on Jen! This penguin is adorable and needs finishing!

Dismembered bunny in need of more limbs AND sewing up!

Dismembered bunny in need of more limbs AND sewing up!

Oh dear!! I seem to be inflicting cruelty on all the cute animal projects. This one is my Emma the Bunny from Kerry Lord's wonderful Edward's Menagerie. I was astonished to find that I could crochet and follow a pattern - this whole crochet lark is WELL outside of my crafting comfort zone. I needed to flick back and forth between the various sections of the book to work out what I was doing, but all the help I required was there. All I need to do now is make another 2.5 limbs and some ears, oh, and a head!! And I'll be all but done. Perhaps I shall make hooking a limb my target for today?

My remaining three projects are all still exactly where they were last time I did a round-up:

From left to right they are a Theme and Variation Hap, my Alonzo socks and my Golden Wheat shawl. The good thing about yarn is that it doesn't go off, so when I'm ready to get cracking again on these, they will be here patiently waiting for me.

When I started to write this morning, I felt a bit as if my knitting mojo was on holiday. I've had a cold that just won't shift, and been generally a bit under the weather for the last 10 days, and it has left me lacking oomph for anything. But here is the beauty of blogging - having done this round up, I'm now all excited again. I really want to snuggle both the bunny and the penguin, so I'd better get to work, hadn't I?

If you want to know more about what we are working on behind the scenes, please sign up for our general newsletter. I'll be sending out a nice mailing tomorrow, and I'm sure you won't want to miss out! In the meantime, Happy Knitting one and all!