Arnall-Culliford Techniques

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The Great A-C Knitwear Sewalong

The final of the Great British Sewing Bee aired last tonight, and I was simultaneously really excited to see who would win and sad to see this season end. For readers not in the UK (or just who have never had the pleasure of watching Sewing Bee), the show features amateur sewists who compete in three challenges each week; if you’re a fan of the Great British Bake Off (or the Great British Baking Show, as it’s called in the US), the format will be very familiar! Over in the Ravelry group, the sewing thread has been absolutely humming with the whir of our collective sewing machines in a little informal sewalong to accompany the show — there are so many very multi-talented folks in the group!

A host of beautiful garments have come into existence during the show, including this lovely pinafore sewn by AnnaKSimpson:

This patchwork frock sewn by Jos:

And these fab trousers, sewn by Lizmus:

The star of the sewalong has, by far, been the soon-to-be world famous Brenda Bag. Intrepid McBrenda kindly took many AC Knitwear knitters on a bag making adventure, starting with her clever Brenda Bag and then moving on to a fabulous zip pouch with the idea that people could make a bag for themselves and one for a key worker. To say the bag has been popular in the group is a definite understatement. Jen alone has made four … there are almost too many to count in the thread! Do have a browse of the images in the Sew What thread to see all the ones that have been shared!

A Brenda Bag by the pattern’s creator, McBrenda!

Two of Jen’s four Brenda Bags — one for her and one for her sister-in-law, who is a nurse.

Some beautiful quilts have also been underway … in fact, a whole spinoff quilt sampler sewalong is now sewing strong! There’s some serious inspiration to be had in the Super Sampler Summer Sewalong thread — I highly recommend checking it out.

As a new owner of a sewing machine, I’ve been soaking up lots of inspiration and tips from the threads and finding lots of joy in feeling out a new hobby! There is something so satisfying about tackling something brand new! Wheter you’re a newbie like me or an experienced sewist, if sewing is your bag, do come over to the Sew What thread and join the fun … the Sewing Bee might be ending, but the Great A-C Kntiwear Sewalong will, I imagine, be going strong for some time to come!